


  • 成立:每兩年選舉一次,成員均為女性。
  • 人數:11 名
  • 工作項目:每月開會一次,制定本會重要決策及規畫短中長期行動方針。


  • 成立:每兩年選舉一次,成員均為女性。
  • 人數:3 名
  • 工作項目:不定期開會,監督董事會決議、審視財務狀況並提出建言。


成立於 1987 年(當時未設立法人),設有秘書處及工作小組等單位,除秘書處為聘任人員之外,工作小組由志工組成,並與秘書處人員共同推動環境議題。秘書處及工作小組分述如下:
  1. 人數:秘書長 1 名、會計及秘書數人。
  2. 工作項目:負責總會行政事務、議題倡議、教育推廣及組織募款等業務。
  • 工作小組
  • 工作小組為因應議題而設立的任務單位。目前設有綠繪本小組及親子數學小組。


  • 地址:100048 台北市中正區汀州路三段104巷9號2樓
  • 電話:(02)2368-6211
  • E-mail:service@huf.org.tw

第 24 屆董事會(2024.07.01 - 2026.06.30)  董事:11人

第 24 屆監事會(2024.07.01 - 2024.06.30)  監察人:3人

秘書處:工作人員 7 名、會計1名




地址:403028 台中市西區三民西路61號

會        長  耿明誼
副  會  長  謝文綺、林芳如
執行委員   許秀嬌
執行委員   楊淑慧
執行委員   陳韻彤
執行委員   黃美滿
執行委員   陳怡君
執行委員   石毓菁

執行委員   張明純
執行委員   呂木蘭

秘  書 處:主任1名、專員1名、專員兼出納1名及會計1名


成立:設立於 2013 年 1 月,尚未登記成為正式組織,目前僅以駐點及聯絡處方式推展議題。

南部辦公室主任 陳婉娥

  • 地址:813318 高雄市左營區至聖路312號7樓之2
  • 電話:(07)550-7360
  • E-mail:south@huf.org.tw 


Organizational Structure

The Homemakers United Foundation is a non-governmental environmental protection group dominated by female volunteers. It currently has a Board of Directors and a Board of Supervisors, and sets up the Taipei Headquarters, Taichung Branch, and Southern Office according to the work area of the issues concerned.

  1. Board of Directors

Establishment: The election is held every two years, and the directors of the current term will vote for the directors of the next term. All the board members are women.

Number of the members: 11 members

Composition: divided into positions of chairman, vice chairman, managing director and director, etc.

Work items: to hold the board meeting once a month to formulate important decisions and plan long-term action guidelines of the Foundation.

  1. Chief Executive Officer: 1 person

Work items: to assist the Chairman in the overall management of the Foundation, have good planning, communication and coordination skills, and can lead the administrative team to promote initiatives in environmental protection issues, resource recruitment and distribution, and volunteer organization. Agent of the Chairman and Vice Chairman.

  1. Director: 2 persons

Work item: to assist the Chief Executive Office in dividing the workload and lead the team to develop the issue mission or promote the operation of the affairs of the Foundation. Agent of the Chief Executive Officer or Deputy Chief Executive Officer.

  1. Senior Specialist: 1 person

Work item: being capable of independently plan and execute the issue mission distributed or the project of the affairs of the Foundation. Having the capability to investigate and research on issues, and to provide solutions and suggestions for the development of issues and operation of the affairs of the Foundation.

  1. Specialist: 2 persons

Work item: being capable of executing the operation and closing of the project

  1. Assistant: 2 persons

Work item: being capable of fully assisting the administration of other employees of the Foundation

  1. Accountant: 1 person

Work item: to assist the financial administration of the Foundation

Board of Supervisors

Establishment: The election is held every two years. All the members are women.

Number of members: 3 supervisors

Composition: divided into positions of 1 standing supervisor and 2 supervisors, all of whom are women.

Work items: to meet irregularly, monitor board resolutions, review financial status and provide suggestions.


Taipei Headquarters

Founded in 1987, currently it has a secretariat, an issue group and other units. Except for the secretariat where employed personnel work, the issue group is composed of all volunteer workers who collaborate with the secretariat staff in promoting issues of the environment, energy, food safety and other with the secretariat staff.

Taichung Branch

Established in 1990, it has an executive committee responsible for decision-making, a secretariat responsible for administration and working groups and other units. Like the Taipei Headquarters, except for the secretariat where employed personnel work, the issue group is composed of all volunteer workers, who collaborate with the secretariat staff in promoting issues of the environment, energy, food safety and other with the secretariat staff.

Southern Office

Set up in 2013, it has not yet been registered as a formal organization. It currently has a volunteer general coordinator to promote issues by means of working on-site and the liaison office.