



On the afternoon of Friday, September 20, people from around the world marched across the Brooklyn Bridge, chanting, "We demand climate justice now!" to kick off New York Climate Week. The Taiwan Climate Action Network, composed of five climate advocacy groups, including the Green Citizens’ Action Alliance, the Homemakers United Foundation, the Environmental Rights Foundation, the Taiwan Environment & Planning Association, and the Global Citizen of the Earth, Taiwan all participated for the first time in this New York Climate Week, ensuring that the world recognizes that Taiwan, a vital part of the global environmental movement, that should not be overlooked.

圖: 來自世界各地的人們,參與「週五為未來而戰」,橫跨布魯克林大橋

 People from around the world participated in 'Fridays for Future,' crossing the Brooklyn Bridge.

紐約氣候周是由非營利組織Climate Group籌畫,來自世界各國的環保團體在為期兩周的時間,於紐約各地討論氣候相關議題,紐約周通常在聯合國大會期間舉行,可說是每一年聯合國氣候變遷大會(COP)前夕,最大規模的民間自發性串連行動及動員。

這場在920日的遊行,是「週五為未來而戰」(Fridays For Future, FFF)」(Global Climate Strike),該活動是由2018年格蕾塔·通貝里(Greta Thunberg)所發起,爾後並引發全球跨界、跨世代的響應。本次遊行的主軸是氣候正義,而遊行中提出的相關訴求為:

The New York Climate Week is organized by the non-profit organization Climate Group, bringing together environmental groups from around the world to discuss climate-related issues over nearly two weeks throughout New York City. This event typically takes place during the United Nations General Assembly and is one of the largest grassroots movements and actions leading up to the annual UN Climate Change Conference (COP).

The march on September 20 is part of "Fridays For Future" (FFF), a global climate strike initiated by Greta Thunberg in 2018, which has since sparked an international and intergenerational response worldwide. The main theme of this march is climate justice, with related demands being raised during the event:

一、        改變資金錯置的不正義

世界金融中心華爾街就位於紐約,而花旗銀行更是被點名是最大的化石產業投資銀行,據報導花旗銀行提供了約42億美元的債券。因此,遊行中也提出: No more oil, no more coalFossil fuel have got to go 等口號。


1. Changing the Injustice of Misallocated Funds

With slogans such as "No more oil, no more coal," and "Fossil fuel has got to go," protestors respond to the immense fossil fuel funding provided by Wall Street, the financial center of the world. Among these banks, Citibank has been identified as the largest investment bank in the fossil fuel industry, reportedly providing around $4.2 billion in bonds.


照片中的布條對應到本次遊行抗議三大對象: 分別是造成污染的企業應停止污染;投資者不應再投資化石燃料產業;以及政治領袖應採取積極的氣候行動

Parents pose for a photo with their children in front of a banner demanding that politicians and investors cease funding fossil fuels. The banners display the three main targets of this protest: corporations' environmental impact, demanding they stop polluting; investors, demanding an end to investing in fossil fuels; and political leaders, demanding they take proactive climate action.


: 遊行中,知名青年氣候領袖 米茲·喬奈兒·譚與夥伴拿著反戰的標語,指責許多富強國家寧可把國家預算放在戰爭,也不投資在氣候治理上的愚昧。

During the march, the renowned young climate leader Mize Jonell Tan (left) is pictured with her colleague (right) raising an anti-military sign. This sign criticizes powerful and wealthy nations for foolishly prioritizing military strength over investments into climate forward governance.

二、        改變跨世代的不正義


2. Changing intergenerational injustice

Many members of the Fridays for Future march are teenagers who, at an age when they should be enjoying their youth, have instead taken to the streets to protect their endangered future. One of the organizers, a teenager under 18, criticized the financial industry in their speech, condemning the short-sighted focus on investing in fossil fuels over long-term sustainable development. This idea was echoed in a song heard during the march, "If you ask my great-granddaughter when action should be taken, she’ll say the time is now!"


: 遊行中可見到許多年輕的臉孔,許多組織行動的夥伴甚至都是10多歲的青少年

Photo description: The march prominently featured young people, as many of the lead organizers were in their early teens.

三、        改變權力的不正義

紐約州長霍楚也是此次由遊行中被點名的對象,因其於數周前,拒絕簽署《氣候變遷超級基金法案》,該法案要求污染者每年支付30 億美元來保護社區來自極端高溫和其他氣候彈性計畫。紐約居民承受高熱之時,握有權力的州長卻對民眾的訴求置若罔聞,也因此,遊行中群眾也喊出:「州長霍楚,地球不是拿來交換利益(Earth is not for profit)」的口號。遊行隊伍更喊出:這就是民主、這就是群眾力量(This is how justice looks like, this is how community looks like)

3. Challenging power injustice

New York Governor Kathy Hochul was one of the figures targeted during the march for her recent refusal to sign the Climate Change Superfund Act. This bill would have required polluters to pay $3 billion annually to protect communities from extreme heat and fund other climate resilience projects. While New York residents endured periods of high heat, the governor ignored the people's demands in her final say. In protest, demonstrators chanted, "Governor Hochul, Earth is not for profit!" The crowd also called, "This is how justice looks, this is how community looks!"


: 紐約的居民,在遊行中要求州長簽署《氣候變遷超級基金法案》

Photo description: New York residents during the march demanded that the governor ratify the Climate Change Superfund Act.

 四、  改變跨國間的不正義


4. Challenging international injustice

During the march, an activist from Uganda emphasized that despite Uganda’s negligible carbon emissions, the country still suffers from climate impacts like extreme heat caused by wealthy nations. For her, participating in environmental movements is not a choice, but a necessity. Numerous other environmental activists in Uganda have been arrested for their involvement in climate protests.


而常遭受其端氣候侵襲的台灣,也一樣因為政治因素,無法參與國際氣候談判。因此,台灣氣候行動網絡參與遊行時,也提出了別遺落台灣Leave no Taiwan behind, 限制碳排而不是限制台灣參與 Limiting Carbon without limiting Taiwan的標語

Similarly, Taiwan, another nation facing extreme climate impacts, has also been unable to participate in international climate negotiations due to political complications. During the march, the Taiwan  Climate Action Network championed the motto: "Leave No Taiwan Behind, Limiting Carbon Without Limiting Taiwan."


: 在遊行隊伍中,我們欣喜地和當地台僑第二代相遇

Photo description: During the march, we were delighted to meet second-generation Taiwanese Americans.



橫跨這座曾是世界最長的布魯克林大橋時,就像在跨越一座氣候變遷的鴻溝,一端是擁有權力的排碳大戶、政治家,另一端則是受飽受各種極端氣候摧殘的人們。但就如遊行中所喊的: we are unstoppable , a better world is possible,人民勢不可擋,改變可以成真。

圖: 此次TCAN參與遊行的夥伴們 

TCAN activists participating in the march


「台灣氣候行動網絡」除了參與此次遊行,也將主辦兩場論壇,和國際夥伴團體共同討論東亞能源轉型(Energy Transition in East Asia)與半導體減碳議題(Decarbonizing the Chip) 讓全球關心氣候的人們,看見台灣公民社會在氣候行動的經驗及願景,使人們正視邁入淨零轉型的台灣,不應在全球淨零行動中被遺漏。

Moving Forward Despite Frustrating Realities

Crossing the Brooklyn Bridge, once the longest bridge in the world, feels like bridging a chasm created by climate change. On one end stand politicians and corporate polluters, while on the other end stand the victims suffering from extreme climate impacts. As the marchers chanted, "We are unstoppable, a better world is possible!" it became clear that the people's momentum could not be hindered, and change could indeed become reality.

In addition to participating in this march, The Taiwan Climate Action Network will host two forums, Energy Transition in East Asia and Decarbonizing the Chip Industry, with international partnership organizations. These forums aim to express the civil power and compelling vision of Taiwanese citizens to impact major climate issues to players on the international stage, emphasizing that Taiwan’s path to a Net-Zero Transition cannot be overlooked in the global movement.
